Maine Coons are huge strong cats from Maine they are intelligent sociable and playful their huge bushy tail long hair and Powerful athletic brain distinguish them Maine cats are distinctive caring pets for families and individuals today we will check out the 10 biggest Maine cats you need to see.
- Stewie
- bereavel
- Ludo
- cygnus
- Samson
- Omar
- lotus
- moonwalk Magnum
- Helios
- Sean coonery
Number 10 : Sean coonery

Sean coonery another gorgeous Maine with a cheeky name is also featured on YouTube the Maine Coons vocalizations are said to resemble a Trill or a chirp as opposed to a regular meow although the
article are more or less meant to show how talkative he is they exhibit his big frame and build very clearly too Maine cats are fated to grow very large but the males tend to get relatively larger than their female counterparts while both genders can reach a length of 40 inches it seems that only the males have been able to beat the odds and grow past average sizes you may recognize.
Number 9 : Helios

By the ancient Greek sun god from his YouTube presence this handsome boy lives in the south of France silver stunner Helios has a grumpy face but this big fellow is a fan of curling up four cat naps gossiping with his owners and batting around his beloved toys.
Number 8 : Moonwalk Magnum

Moonwalk Magnum is a gray and white Maine born in chale Les Murray France he now lives in France he is one of the biggest cats in Europe weighing up to 28 pounds and making him one of the heaviest his 28 pound frame is draped with a multi-layered floor sweeping white coat his owner noted his enormous stature he had exceeded the usual Maine Coon’s length by the time he
was completely grown about three feet he became an online celebrity when cat enthusiasts worldwide noticed his enormous size and attractive features moonwalk Magnum is a Maine cat famous for his size and looks.
Number 7 : Lotus

Lotus is a beautiful tabby Maine from Sweden at 22 pounds he certainly makes the list of some of the largest cats in the world. Lotus is a stunning tabby Maine that hails all the way from Sweden because he weighs 22 pounds he is without a doubt one of the biggest cats in the world Lotus is a member of a Swedish family.
Lynch Stein adopted him from a Norwegian breeder as a baby at the age of 13 weeks Lotus the kitten stole a stuffed animal that was supposed to be given to his owner’s daughter and transformed it into his own he may believe that he is a wild cat or a delicate kitten depending on the circumstances he looks like a lightly toasted marshmallow thanks to his glamorous cream coat with Tawny accents any person who loves cats would be lucky to have her as a pet thanks to the fact that he is intelligent and very loving if you are seeking a trustworthy and section of feline friend a Maine like.
Lotus is an excellent option to consider Lotus is a magnificent and Placid feline that has won the favor and affection of many people who like cats before proceeding further .
Number 6 : Omar

Omar is an Australian Maine living in Melbourne he is considered to be one of the largest domestic cats in the world measuring 47.2 inches long and weighing 30 pounds despite being comparable in size to other cats that have won the title of longest cat he has not yet been officially recognized by. Guinness World Records when Omar was brought home by his owner Steffi Hurst in 2013 he was the same size as all the other kittens born in the same litter Omar gets up at five o’clock in the morning has a couple of scoops of dry cat food for breakfast lazes about the house plays in the backyard rest on the trampoline and eats raw kangaroo meat for supper.
Number 5 : Samson

Samson was considered one of the biggest just Maine cats in New York United States until his tragic passing on the 9th of July 2022 he was diagnosed with hip dysplasia in September 2020 known on Instagram as katstradamus Samson was measured four feet in length and weighed 28 pounds .
Samson was a social media star with more than 200 000 followers on Instagram alone the gigantic feline sweet nature and slightest meow were adored by many fans unfortunately Sammy as his owner Jonathan Zerby used to call him died in July 2022 according to Jonathan Samson was mortally wounded by a vet tech at the age of 10.
Samson was described by his owner as a beautiful loving and intelligent Maine cat according to zerbil Maine Coons typically weigh 15 to 18 pounds with the maximum weight being 25 pounds zerbil knew Samson would be large but not to this extent we had an idea he was going to be big I kind of thought he would stop growing at 19 pounds he rode to Mashable he was also taking up half my queen-size bed so when I went for his last checkup we couldn’t believe his weight and according to the vet he’s the heaviest cat on record in the local area.
Number 4 : cygnus

Cygnus regulus powers a Maine was raised in Detroit by humans along with his three feline siblings he was the owner of the record for the longest Tale on a domestic cat however having a tail that is 17.58 inches in length presents its owners with a unique set of problems cygnus has made it into the new Guinness World Record Pages as the feed line with the longest tail on a domestic cat his
owners claimed that he accidentally sticks it in object since cygnus’s tale is so far away from his body cygnus and his feline sibling Arcturus were both cruelly killed in a home fire in 2017.
Number 3 : Ludo

Ludo is not only the biggest Maine but he is also the biggest house cat in the world he loves his family especially his human Brothers guarding them every step of the way Ludo a Maine from the UK held the title for longest domestic cat prior to bereavel.
Ludo a Maine who lives with his owner Kelsey Gill in Wakefield UK is the longest domestic cat living measuring and astonishing 118.33 centimeters three feet 10.6 inches long Kelsey decided to get a Maine after falling in love with the huge Tabby colored cats that featured in the Harry Potter movies she got Ludo when he was just 13 weeks old and it wasn’t long before she noticed he was the same size as Maine Coons much older than he was Pluto was a lively cat but due to his big size he is not as agile as smaller felines he is so huge that Kelsey has to put him in a dog carrier when they travel speaking of Guinness World Records during Lido’s photo shoot for the Guinness World Records 2017 book Kelsey said that one benefit of her cat’s impressive size is that she can always find him.
Number 2 : Bereavel

Burrivo whose name means clown or Joker in Italian is a Maine who resides in vigayvano Italy baribo is a Pampered cat who enjoys going out for walks and even has his own Instagram page baribo used to be the official holder of the world record for the largest cat measuring in at a whopping
47.2 inches in length this huge cat lives in vigayvano Italy with his owners on May 22nd 2018 the record for the longest domestic cat living was confirmed and the cat was awarded the title of longest domestic cat living sincere tinny railo and Edgar skandura berevo’s owners had known for as long as. They can remember that he was an exceptional cat clown or Joker is what the name bereavel refers to in Edgar’s Regional Italian dialect Edgar contends that despite his name and the fact that bereavel is one of the biggest domestic cats you’ve ever seen bereavel does not possess a personality that is bigger than life.
Number 1 : Stewie

Since 2010 Stewie has remained the largest Maine cat of all time at 48.5 inches long from nose to tail. Stewie had the Guinness world record for the longest living cat before the title was awarded to another large cat on this list he still holds the record for the longest domestic cat of all time and also once held the record for the longest tale at 16.3 inches sadly on February 4th 2013 Stewie whose full name was my main.
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Stuart Gilligan passed away at the age of eight from cancer at his home in the state of Nevada according to Stewie’s owners Robin Hendrickson and Eric brandsness the cat just grew larger and larger without any special diet furthermore no unusual steps were taken in Stewie’s breeding according to his owner which one of them you love the most do let us know.
Maine Coons are not just large, they are intelligent, playful, and loving companions, making them perfect for families. From Stewie’s record-breaking size to Ludo’s playful charm, these gentle giants continue to captivate the hearts of cat lovers. With their striking appearance and affectionate nature, it’s no wonder Maine Coons are adored across the globe.