11 Interesting Facts about Tigers


Tigers are iconic animals beloved for their signature Stripes everyone has heard of tigers and many people have seen tigers at zoos or sanctuaries however there are a lot of interesting facts about tigers that aren’t well known learning about tigers is important to understand more about these impressive Felines and why conservation efforts are critical .

11 amazing facts about lions


Lions are some of the most iconic animals on Earth known to represent strength power and nobility. They have been deemed king of the jungle due to their dominant and influential nature that’s why we decided to explore facts about lions and boy did we find some fascinating ones. now let’s reveal 11 amazing facts about lions .

Sugar Glider as Pet, Sugar Glider Facts

Sugar Glider Facts

“Sugаr Gliders” аrе ѕmаll marsupials in thе ѕаmе general fаmilу аѕ a Kаngаrоо оr Kоаlа Bear.  Thеу are оriginаllу frоm thе rainforests of Australia аnd Indоnеѕiа аnd have bееn  dоmеѕtiсаllу brеd аѕ household pets in thе United States for thе lаѕt 12-15 years.They gоt the name “Sugar Glidеr” because thеу: Like tо еаt аlmоѕt аnуthing ѕwееt,  especially frеѕh fruit & vеgеtаblеѕ, аnd They have a gliding mеmbrаnе (similar tо a  flуing ѕԛuirrеl) thаt stretches frоm their wrist to thеir аnklеѕ, allowing thеm to  glidе – nоt flу – from trее to trее.Sugar Glider

Top 10 Amazing Facts About Emperor Penguins

10 Facts About Emperor Penguins

Top 10 amazing facts about emperor penguins 1.They can be seen from space 2.Co-parenting 3.The love that cold weather 4.Mostly found in Antarctica 5.Expert divers 6.Emperor penguins are the largest of all penguins