Dachshunds affectionately called doxies are famous for their adorable funny shape but their long bodies and short legs were meant for more than just making humans fall in love with them the dachshund stands out for a fun loving bold and gregarious nature which is one of the main reasons of its wide popularity also known as the wiener dog or sauces dog they’re short-legged long-bodied hound-type dog breed they may be smooth air to wire hair or long hair because of their long back dachshunds are prone to disc problems therefore this dog is not a good choice for anyone with many steps in the home here’s a list of top 10 most interesting facts about everyone’s favorite vertically challenged dog that is sure to make you adopt one as soon as possible.

- Historical Roots
- Great Watchdogs
- Variety of Sizes and Colors
- Courageous Personality
- First Olympic Mascot
- Long Lifespan
- Smallest Hunting Breed
- Artistic Favorites
- The Hot Dog Connection
- Special Care Needed
Number one
Their history the dachshund was bred in germany hundreds of years ago to hunt badgers duck means badger and hunt means dog the three varieties of dachshund smooth wire and long coated originated at different times the smooth was the first and arose from a mixture of a miniature french pointer and a pincer there were bread to hunt badgers and other tunneling animals rabbits and foxes packs of dachshunds were even used to trail wild boar the dachshund has short strong legs that enable the dog to dig out prey and go inside burrows larger versions of the breed were used to chase deer or fox smaller dachshunds were bred for hunting hares and ferrets the breed is still used for hunting primarily in europe but in north america this dog is usually a family pet in fact it is one of the most popular akc breeds .
Number two
Dachshunds make great watch dogs this breed is notorious for being hyper alert a dachshund will unleash a gale of barking to let you know when a stranger is at the door or walking by on the sidewalk in fact a 2008 study in the journal applied animal behavior science ranked the dimunitive dachshund as the most aggressive of all breeds.

Number three
They come in a wide variety of sizes and colors originally all dachshunds were black and tan but today they sport a variety of looks according to the american kennel club dachshunds come in 12 standard colors and exhibit three different kinds of markings some interesting colors include blue and tan cream and wild boar a mixture of brown and gold as well their coats can be smooth long or wire haired they come in two sizes standard and miniature with so many options dachshunds are the canine version of snowflakes .
Number four
Their personality despite their size dachshunds are known for their courageous nature and will take on animals much larger than themselves some may be aggressive towards strangers and other dogs as family dogs dachshunds are loyal companions and good watch dogs they’re good with children if treated well however they can be slightly difficult to train some ducks and fanciers say there are personality differences among the different varieties of the breed for instance the long coat dachshund is reportedly calmer than the smooth coat variety and the wire code dachshund is more outgoing and clown-like.
Number five
The breed became the first olympic mascot the official mascot of 1972 munich olympic games was a colorful dachshund named waldi this was the first time the olympics had a mascot olympic officials actually plotted that year’s marathon route in the shape of a dachshund meaning the path of the olympic marathon was planned to be in the form of a dog’s body dachshunds are known for their athleticism and courage so the colorful dog seemed like the perfect face for the olympics .
Number six
Dachshunds live a long time with an average lifespan of at least 12 years but much often longer doxies are known for their longevity they are indeed long living dogs chanel a dachshund from new york was recognized as the oldest living dog by the genesis world record in 2009 passed away at age 21 and the title was transmitted to another breed member named otto later on a terrier called max turned out to be older in general this particular breed is notable for a really long life span.

Number seven
They are the smallest hunting breed the dachshund is the smallest breed in the akc hound group and this fully justifies its status but don’t let their size fool you they are actually tenacious and were bred not just to stalk prey but kill it ducks and excel at hunting and small games so don’t let the dog see’s cuteness allow you to underestimate how scrappy it is originally bred to hunt badgers these hounds are shaped to allow easy access in and out of badger sets .
Number 8
Artists love them famous artists have seemed to be drawn to these little dogs andy warhol would often bring his doxie to interviews and let the dog answer the questions he didn’t like when picasso met david douglas duncan’s dachshund lump in 1957 it was his love at first sight the relationship was chronicled in dachshunds picasso and lump a dachshund’s odyssey david hockney was another dachshund lover his two dogs stanley and buji were featured in 45 old paintings and a whole book .
Number Nine
The hot dog was named after a dachshund the history of hot dogs is murky at best but some historians believe that they were first known as dachshund sausages after the similarly shaped dogs which were favorite companions of german butchers some suggest that the name was changed after one cartoonist had trouble spelling dachshund and shortened it unfortunately no one could find the comic so the theory has been dismissed as apocryphal the earliest written record of the phrase hotdog can be traced to an 1895 issue of the year record about a lunch cart serving hot dogs to hungry students .
Number 10
Living with a dachshund needs a little more care the smooth coat dachshund requires little coat care other than an occasional rub down or brushing for the long coat variety daily brushing or combing is advised the wire code docks and requires stripping at least twice a year dachshunds also are prone to disc problems because they have a long back so to further protect the dachshund’s back the dog should not be allowed to jump on enough furnitures and his weight should always be kept in check alright guys those were the top 10 most interesting facts about dachshunds what do you like the most about these cute little doxies let us know in the comments below.
Dachshunds, also known as doxies or wiener dogs, are beloved for their unique shape and spirited personalities, making them popular pets worldwide.
- 🐾 Unique Shape: Dachshunds have long bodies and short legs, designed originally for hunting.
- 🔍 Alert Watchdogs: They are known for their hyper-alert nature, often barking to alert owners of strangers.
- 🎨 Artist Favorites: Famous artists like Andy Warhol and Picasso adored dachshunds, featuring them in their lives and works.
- 🏅 Olympic Mascot: The first Olympic mascot in 1972 was a dachshund named Waldi, symbolizing athleticism.
- 🐕🦺 Longevity: Dachshunds typically live 12 years or longer, with some reaching over 20.
- 🍽️ Hot Dog Connection: The hot dog may have been named after these sausage-shaped dogs, linking culinary history.
- 🛡️ Care Needs: They require specific care to protect their backs, including weight management and limited jumping.
Key Insights
- 🏆 Courageous Nature: Despite their size, dachshunds display remarkable bravery, often challenging larger animals, which showcases their tenacious spirit.
- 🏠 Family Companions: While they can be difficult to train, dachshunds are known for their loyalty and make excellent companions for families, especially when socialized well.
- 🌍 Hunting Heritage: Originally bred for hunting badgers and small game, dachshunds still retain their instincts, making them playful and energetic pets.
- 🌈 Diverse Appearance: With various colors and coat types, dachshunds offer a unique aesthetic appeal, allowing owners to choose based on personal preference.
- 📚 Cultural Impact: Their presence in art and media reflects their popularity and the affection people have for this breed, cementing them as cultural icons.
- 🐕⚕️ Health Considerations: Their long backs make them prone to specific health issues, emphasizing the importance of responsible ownership and care.
- 🧩 Training Challenges: Understanding the personality differences among varieties can help owners tailor their training approach, ensuring a better bond and behavior.