Are you looking for a siamese cat but like most people didn’t realize there were several types well in this article we will highlight 10 different types of siamese cats because understanding and knowing the distinctions between each type. Will help you choose the best suited cat for you as a family or as an individual in the end regardless of type siamese cats are very affectionate and love to interact and talk with their owners making them excellent pets .Now let’s begin the different types of siamese cats fallinto two categories traditional siamese cats and modern siamese cats.
- Apple Head Siamese
- Classic Siamese
- Old style siamese
- Wedge Head Siamese
- Chocolate Points
- Lilac Points
- Cream Points
- Red Points
- Seal Points
- Blue Points
Apple Head Siamese
Their name comes from the sape of their heads which resembles an apple they are typically not as loud as the other types of siamese cats. the apple head has dark brown and black points like the other siamese types however apple had siamese cats have muscular bodies and bigger bones and can weigh up to 18 pounds plus. They have relatively shorter tails and are way less chatty and more reserved than the other types needless to say the apple head type is an excellent choice for people who want a siamese cat that is not as vocal as the other types.
Classic Siamese
Genetically the classic siamese cat is similar to the other traditional types however their physical features distinguish them visually. They are well known for their longer tails and longer athletic bodies plus the classic siamese does not sport a noticeable nose dip like the other types .Other features of the classic siamese include a smooth body blue eyes round heads and classic dark points classic siamese cats which first appeared in thailand in the 15th century were first introduced by the cat fanciers association in 2009 .
Old style siamese
Old style siamese were popular in the 1950s and 1960s they have a medium-sized body and their faces are crossed between an apple head siamese and a modern wedge siamese .They have broad ears and an almond shaped nose plus like all types of siamese they have cross eyes but their cross size trait is more noticeable than the other types furthermore when compared to other traditional breeds the old style siamese cats tend to have longer faces.
Wedge Head Siamese
This type is perhaps the most extreme type of siamese cat and their physical appearance differs greatly from the traditional siamese cats .Their name is derived from their triangular or wedge-shaped heads and they are also referred to as wedgies this type is distinguished by thin tails long legs and long faces with white ears that are positioned on top of their heads and slightly slanted eyes. furthermore wedgies are also the most vocal type of siamese cat and as a result it’s normal for them to meow frequently throughout the day additionally keep in mind that it is reported that wedgies are more susceptible to health issues such as kidney disease as a result of selective breeding practices so it is recommended that owners feed their cat a nutritious high protein diet.
Chocolate Points
This type needs no explanation as the name speaks for itself chocolate points are light brown siamese cats .
Lilac Points
Lilac point type coat colors come in lilac hues and some have pink hues lilac points have fewer blue and brown hues when compared to the other types. The lilac point was discovered in the 1960s and they are a cross between blue points and dilute chocolate cats.
Cream Points
As the name indicates green points are lighter in color but their shade darkens as they get older cream points are crossed between abyssinian cats red point siamese cats and domestic short hair cats.
Red Points
Despite their rarity red points are stunning cats with crimson and orange fur and orange or red highlights on their faces tails paws legs and ears. the red points are crossed between two cats red tabbies and tortoiseshell tabbies .
Seal Points
Seal points get their name because the fur color of their heads is similar to that of a seal they have darker fur than the chocolate point and are the darkest siamese cats with hues ranging from dark brown to black .
Blue Points
Blue points are dark brown siamese cats with a blue tinge the blue in the fur tends to reflect the blue in the eyes .Now that i’ve detailed the various types of siamese cats i hope you will be able to identify the physical differences between each of the different types keep in mind that while the physical appearance of each type varies siamese cats commonly have the same personalities.